Bitter Melon

The gourd-like fruit has a long history as a treatment for diabetes. Bitter melon improves the body’s ability to use blood sugar and improves glucose tolerances. Also, at least one animal study noted that bitter melon fruit juice may cause a renewal and recovery of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Bitter melon is used to treat infections caused by retrovirus and is being investigated in the treatment of HIV. Other uses for bitter melon include treating colds, flu and fever, parasites, digestive and skin diseases.

  • For diabetes, infections, UTI, colds, flu, fever, skin diseases, indigestion, constiption, diarrhea: Put a handful of dried bitter melon in a pot of water. Let it boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink a cup of this tea whenever needed.
  • For dermatitis, skin diseases: Bathe in a warm water full infused with bitter melon for fifteen minutes.