
Herbalists have a high regard for the soothing properties of passionflower and recommend it as a general nerve tonic to treat nervous stress. The Commission E approved its use for anxiety. Passionflower is used to gently relax the mind/body to prepare for a more restful nights sleep. Other uses include neuralgia including post herpes nerve pain and shingles. Together in an extract, the alkaloids and flavonoids of passionflower are stronger sedatives and relaxants that one isolated chemical, reminding us of the wisdom of using the whole herb, instead of isolated extracts. Passionflower is often used in conjunction with other mildly sedative herbs like lemon balm and valerian.

  • For shingles, nerve pain, anxiety, stress: Mix hawthorn and passion flower in a pot of water. Let it boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink a cup of this concoction whenever needed.
  • For insomnia, stress, anxiety: Mix hawthorn,lemon balm, valerian, st.John’s wort, and passion flower in warm bath water. Soak yourself with it for twenty minutes.
  • For insomnia, stress, anxiety: Mix hawthorn,valerian, st.John’s wort, and passion flower in a pot of water. Let it boil and simmer. Drink a cup of this tea whenever needed.