
It is vital to know how to tend a bleeding pet. Giving your pet first aid when it bleed can prevent excessive blood loss that can lead to shock.

Pet Remedies For Bleeding

  • Approach your pet and restrain it if necessary. Flush the wound thoroughly with clean water. Avoid any antiseptics that your pet can lick and may cause pain when applied.
  • Cover the wound with a sterile gauze pad, clean folded towel, or sanitary napkin.
  • Wrap torn rags or other soft material around the dressing and tie or tape just tightly enough to hold in place.
  • Place your hand over the dressing wound and press firmly.
  • Do not remove your hand even if the blood soaks through the dressing.
  • Go with your pet to the veterinarian immediately.
  • For Severe Bleeding, place gauze over the wound and apply direct pressure using your hands for 5 minutes, recheck, and continue applying pressure until bleeding stops or you’ve reached the vet. Do not use a tourniquet, as they are dangerous. Cold packs over oozing wounds can help reduce swelling and bleeding. Take your pet to the vet immediately.