
Alzheimer’s is a severe disease that is characterized by a reduction in cognitive and practical abilities and functioning. At the onset, complex behavior is affected and in the following stages, there is a reduction in short term behavioral patterns.There is no clear cause for Alzheimer’s, but there are factors that may place you in a higher risk group. The most significant of these factors is age.

Home remedies for Alzheimer’s Disease

• Alzheimer’s disease can disable the sense of taste, resulting to tasteless bland foods. You can enhance this by adding a bit of chilli powder, some peppers, and oregano to the meals.
• A daily dose of ginkgo biloba essence has been proven to be efficient in improving the blood flow to the brain. It can also help slow down the memory loss. The recommended dose is 15 milligram three times a day or 15 drops of ginkgo solution twice a day.
• Eat a lot of raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds to improve your brain function.
• Make sure you drink a daily dose of multivitamins after your first meal.
• Go for a leafy diet that is high in vitamin C, a sure home remedy that can instantly help your memory.
• Consume plenty of blackberries and blueberries to continuously improve your motor skills which can fail once the disease has progressed.