Stomach Ache

Stomach ache is a very common condition that can be experienced by both adults and children. May be it from too much eating, constipation, gas, or food poisoning, this must be taken seriously if you don’t want to experience pain all throughout the day. Here are some natural ways that can help you treat your tummy ache.

Home remedies for Stomach Ache

• Mix a tablespoon of mint juice, lime juice, and ginger juice. Add a dash of pepper. Drink this solution to instantly relieve you from the pain.
• Drink soda water twice a day.
• Drink a cup of ginger tea with honey once a day.
• Add one teaspoon of ginger juice in a teaspoon of castor oil. Drink this concoction twice a day.
• Make a paste out of tamarind leaves by grinding them thoroughly while adding a bit of water. Add a bit of salt and eat this mixture twice a day.
• Eat pomegranate seeds with pepper and salt once a day.
• Make a fenugreek seeds paste and consume this twice a day.