
Pets love to put anything they find into their mouths and they often end up swallowing things accidentally and then object becomes lodged in their throats causing them to become completely unable to breathe.

If you’re pet is running around with its neck stretched out, eyes bugging out and head held high it probably has something stuck in it throat and is trying to breather better.

Pet Remedies For Choking

  • Open your pet’s mouth to see if you can visualize the object and remove it.
  • If your pet is not breathing and you can’t find what’s obstructing the air passage, try the Heimlich maneuver:
  • Place your arm around your pet’s chest letting the head and shoulders hang over it. Close your hand to form a fist and bring your other hand around and cover your fist with it. Your two handed fist should be placed between your pet’s lower tummy and its rib cage. Then quickly and firmly thrust your two handed fist inwards and upwards.
  • Repeat as often as necessary to dislodge whatever is blocking your pet’s airways. If you have removed the object and your pet still can’t breath. You should perform breathing to your pet:
  • Pull the tongue carefully from the animal’s mouth (be aware that even unresponsive pet can bite!!)
  • Straight the pet’s neck (try to bring the head in-line with the neck, only if the pet is not suffering from neck trauma).
  • Ventilate the animal at 20 breaths per minute by closing the mouth, and performing mouth-to-nose ventilations.
  • Seek immediate medical attention.