
Eczema is a kind of medical condition that is characterized as some sort of a reaction of the skin that occurs due to different diseases, both external and internal. The following are some effective home remedies that can help soothe the irritation.

Home remedies for Eczema

• Place Juglans Regia leaves in a bath. Fill the bath with very hot water. Add cold water. Sit in the bath for thirty minutes. Do not use before, during or after, any soap, toiletries etc. The smell is wonderful. Dry yourself off.
• Grind up some watermelon skin with some fresh basil leaves, a tablespoon of olive oil, and two cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. Spread the mixture on the irritated area.
• Make some herbal tea from nettle leaves. Use cotton to spread the liquid on the rash until it disappears. Don’t give up! This really works and it has been checked. This is also good to use on babies skin rashes.
• Spread almond oil on the skin, leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash thoroughly.
• Rub the affected area with slices of fresh, peeled apples.
• Spread the juice extracted from chive roots three times a day on the affected area.
• Mix corn and castor oil and spread it on the rash.
• Melt a teaspoon of salt in a tablespoon of apple vinegar and apply it to skin.
• Apply warm coconut oil to the infected area every morning and night.
• Mix a teaspoon of sandalwood oil with camphor. Rub it on the affected area before going to sleep.
• Create a nutmeg paste by grinding some nutmeg into a fine powder. Add a little water to it until it has a paste-like consistency. Apply to concerned area.
• Spread a generous amount of hazel oil on the rash.
• Mash papaya seeds on the area three times a day.
• Do not use soaps, perfumes, and lotions, as it will make the problem worse.