
Aphtha is a kind of medical condition that consist of several diseases that cause white discoloration on the mouth.

Home remedies for Aphtha

• Take one teaspoon of apple vinegar and mix with half a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with this mixture three times a day.
• Prepare a cup of lukewarm water. Add two tablespoons of iodized salt. Mix well and gargle it for five minutes to get rid of the germs.
• Ginger tea is a great way to decrease the discoloration and swelling of this medical concern. Just boil ginger in water for thirty minutes and drink this solution three times a day.
• Try not to drink too much coffee or caffeinated drinks since these can easily cause mouth sores.
• Peppermint tea can also be a quick fix for Aptha. Just add some dried peppermint leaves in hot water. Let it steep for ten minutes. Drink twice a day.