Blood Pressure

Also known as the arterial blood pressure, this is the force from which the blood pumps an unusual amount of blood that bangs against the walls the walls of a blood vessel. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Home remedies for Blood Pressure

• Drink a cup of tea made from dried celery leaves every day.
• Boil olive leaves for a few minutes and drink one glass of this solution, three times a day.
• Mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in half cup of water. Make sure you drink this solution every time there is an increase of blood pressure.
• Drink a cup of lemon juice every two hours to control your blood pressure.
• Apply a hot compress over your heart to help ease the pumping.
• Mix thirty fresh curry leaves in one cup of boiling water. Let it simmer. Strain and drink this solution every morning.
• Eat a lot of garlic.
• Relax through meditation. Deeply inhale through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat this process eight times per session, twice a day.