Common Cold

A common cold is a minor disease that consists of a slight infection of the upper respiratory tract. This is often experienced by many people. A person with a cold will experience stuffy nose, constant sneezing, and headaches. Here are some great home remedies that can immediately relieve you from this illness.

Home remedies for Common Cold

• Drink a warm glass of lime juice every morning and every night.
• Eat some garlic soup once a day can quickly get rid of your colds.
• Drink a cup of ginger tea twice a day. You can also eat it raw by slicing a piece of fresh ginger and suck it like a candy.
• Immerse yourself in a warm bath for fifteen minutes to unclog your nose.
• Breathe in some steam by mixing boiling water with eucalyptus oil or camphor.
• Mix two hundred grams of coriander seeds and jiggery. Make it into a powder. Add a little water to form a paste. Boil this in water and deeply inhale the steam for fifteen minutes.