
Malaria (or Quartan malaria; Falciparum malaria; Biduoterian fever; Blackwater fever; Tertian malaria; Plasmodium) is very common in tropical countries. This is because this kind of weather is ideal for mosquitoes that can bite you and cause this disease. It can quickly weaken your immune system that is why you must treat this immediately to avoid terminal results. Here are some effective home remedies that you can do to cure this condition.

Home remedies for Malaria

* Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, a dash of white pepper, and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. Drink this three times a day.
* Prepare a tea made out of holy basil leaves. Drink a cup twice a day.
* Drink a lot of orange juice and water all throughout the day.
* Combine smashed raisins in a cup of hot ginger tea. Drink this solution twice a day.
* Put some cold compress on the forehead for fever.