Mother’s Milk

Mother’s milk contains all the food elements and antibodies that help the baby especially during its first months of life when its immune system is still not strong enough. The mother’s nutritional state has little effect on the milk other than influencing the quantity unless the mother is severely under nourished. In all other cases, the baby will receive all the food elements it needs even if the mothers diet is lacking or not balanced. However, substances present in the mother’s blood are passed on to the baby through the milk and can affect its health.

Home remedies for Mother’s Milk

• To improve the quality of the mother’s milk, use hazelnut oil.
• To increase the supply of mother’s milk, crush nigella seeds into a glass of boiling water and drink the water, with the seeds. Repeat three times a day.
• To increase the supply of mother’s milk, soak buckwheat (kasha) seeds in milk and butter.
• Avoid drinking coffee, soda, and tea.
• Eat a lot of warm soup.
• Drink twelve glasses per day.
• Load up with vitamins to make sure your baby is getting the right nutrition.
• Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
• Drink a cup of fenugreek seeds tea three times a day.